Monday, July 30, 2018

COUNTDOWN! 1 days till Camp RYLA!

Last few words

Hi campers - we are SO excited for you to get here! Seriously, why aren’t you here already? We do like to say at Camp that being on time is late...

Anyways, while y’all get on over here thought we could provide you some “friendly” last minute tips to get you ready for this week! 

1. Don’t try to figure out what exactly is going to happen this week - you won’t be able to. BUT we can promise it will be ahhhmazing

2. Clear your schedule for the next two weeks because you will need a week to recover from the things we put you through (don’t worry parents - we will return them healthy if you don’t count sleep deprivation as a health issue...)

3. Also, clear the memory on your phone because we promise within 24 hours of leaving camp you’ll be in 8373938 new group conversations 

4. Pack using your handy dandy packing list!! Look, i’ve done this 6 times & i still somehow forget things. Don’t be me! 

5. Run through a couple of your girl scout/boy scout survival tricks since you still have NO idea what we’re going to make you do. 

JK you won’t need to fend for yourselves...or will you??

6. Let your current friends know that in a week they will likely be replaced with your new camp BFFs. You want to prepare them to make it easier! 

7. Hibernate for as long as you can... or is it too late for that??

8. If you haven’t worked out in a while it wouldn’t hurt to exercise a bit. Once again, you have no idea what we could put in your way. 

9. SNACKS - buy them, pack them, start eating them! You’ll need the energy!

10. Ok all jokes aside, the most important advice is to clear your mind of everything else, pump yourself up and be ready for the unexpected amazingness that is Camp RYLA! 

Take a moment for yourself.

We CANNOT wait to welcome you to camp.
-RYLA Alumni

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