Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Final Post

Today we wrapped up much of our learning here with the RYLA Olympics (although we know the learning doesn't stop once we leave). We applied what we learned and saw how far it was able to take us. We'll be fully capping off the experience tonight with our campfire and tomorrow with our wrap-up presentation.

Although everyone's Camp RYLA experience is unique and special, we all have grown in many ways. Some people feel as if they have become more confident and sociable while other have learned how to ensure that all cabin members are included. One thing is for sure, the friendships and memories we have made will last a lifetime. We can truly attest that Camp RYLA has changed us into improved individuals and leaders. We have become better at working in large groups and communicating. A key concept that has been eye opening was eading from behind. This form of leadership was a great lesson for several campers that taught to lead you don't have to have the loudest voice, yet you can lead through encouraging others to step out of their comfort zones. The campers will be returning home tomorrow and it is safe to expect that your camper will sleep for at least 24 hours. We are sad to leave our new friends, but excited to take back the skills we learned at camp into our daily lives.


Thank for the amazing blog audience, we appreciate your time and support.

- Monroe McCracken, Cristobal Garcia, Kishan Kara

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